In Loving Memory
Tribute Page
Did your loved one have a special connection with East Haven?
Do you want to do something to pay tribute and remember them?

Reflect on why East Haven was such a special place for your loved one.
Maybe it was childhood memories of playing on the beach, family picnics, walking, fishing, or contributing to village life.
What a wonderful tribute it would be to help safeguard these activities and the environment in which they take place for future generations.
You could volunteer your time and skills to projects in the village. Alternatively, you may wish to make a donation to the village charity East Haven Together. The charity works to conserve the natural heritage of the area and make East Haven a sustainable place to live and visit. Alternatives to a bench would make a very meaningful tribute to the community and to your loved one. Any such contributions would be acknowledged by an appropriate online testimonial.
More information about why it may take years to purchase a memorial bench can be found at the bottom of this page.
George Lyall (1922-2015) and Donna Lyall (1931 -2022).
The Lyall family is the oldest family in the village and Dad was born and brought up in Long Row. He was one of the local fisherman and after he retired from his job continued with the fishing with his brother Bob. He married Donna McGregor in 1968 and lived initially in Torrie Park before moving to Long Row where Craig and Nicola were born.
Mum was chosen to cut the ribbon on the fisherman statue with her being a member of the oldest family in the village and the oldest resident. The plaque still stands with her name. The winch dad owned has been restored and sits proudly looking out to sea and as part of the heritage of East Haven. They may no longer be here but live in the hearts of us all. They were characters that will never be forgotten and be part of East Haven forever.
Nicola and Craig

We Remember
Memorial Benches

Following a bereavement many people feel the need for a tangible memorial to honour the life of someone they have loved. In East Haven we have been happy to accommodate several requests for benches and plaques over the years. However, perhaps because so many people are now cremated rather than buried the demand for physical memorials now exceeds capacity. Extensive consultation was undertaken during 2022 and respondents expressed concerns that East Haven could rapidly develop into a memorial park. Not only would that change the nature of the amenity but it could have other negative impacts. We have all visited beauty spots where memorial benches have fallen into disrepair and/or have memorial flowers and other personal objects permanently tied to them. We want everybody who visits East Haven to enjoy everything the beautiful Angus coast has to offer. To be able to sit on benches free from memorial flowers and enjoy the moment. We will of course continue to hold a waiting list for memorial bench requests. Realistically however, it could be many years until a space becomes available.
You may wish to think about other ways in which you can honour your loved one.
Plants and Trees - A Living Legacy and a Wonderful Way to Support Nature and Remember