Beautiful Scotland Awards 2024
East Haven is very proud to have achieved a Gold Award, the Coastal Village Category along with The RHS Gardening for Wildlife and Resilience and Adversity Award.

Join us for our AGM at the Kinloch Arms in Carnoustie on 25th October 2024 at 7pm.
Ever thought. about becoming a Trustee?
Contact us to find out more about the role and whats involved. EHT also provide induction and support for new Trustees.
Any items for the agenda to be submitted by 19th October.
Download a copy of our sustainability strategy and community action plan

The Storms of 2023/24
Like many places across Angus, East Haven has endured significant impacts over the winter. Marine litter has been at an all time high with approx 10.5 tonnes of fishing waste washed up between October 2023 and March 2024. In addition, at least 147 bags of small waste has been collected including plastics of all types and thousands of pieces of polystyrene.
Britain in Bloom 2023
East Haven Together is very proud to represent Scotland in the coastal entry of Britain in Bloom 2023.
In 2013, visitors said that East Haven was the worst place they had ever set foot in. Following consultation residents decided that they would use the RHS/Beautiful Scotland 3 Pillar framework of Environment, Community and Horticulture to improve the amenity and make it a better place to live and visit. Its hard to believe how far we have come over the last ten years. Working together with people locally and nationally to make a difference in the places we live.

RHS Gold Award and Best Coastal Village 2023
Members of East Haven Together travelled down to London in October. We joined three other Beautiful Scotland groups at the RHS Lindley Halls for the finalist Awards Ceremony. We were thrilled and delighted to be presented with a Gold Award.
East Haven was also awarded joint first place in the coastal category with Lytham

RHS Champion Awards
Anne and Ian Bancroft and Jack Reid from East Haven were also awarded Community RHS Chmapion Awards
2022 - Scotland's Year of Stories
East Haven has lots of stories to tell in 2022. Trustees and residents have been busy all over the winter as we have worked on issues of community resilience and sustainability. We are also working with funders to develop and refurbish the Wee Gallery and our public toilets. Community gardening will commence as soon as the weather gets warmer and we will hold the first Great Angus Beach Clean of the Year during weekend of 2nd and 3rd April 2022. In July we will host a special event to celebrate Scotlands Year of Stories. A heritage exhibition and story walks will be central to events which will inform and inspire both locals and visitors.
Click on the link in the picture for a little preview of the exhibition

As 2021 Draws to a Close
As 2021 draws to a close East Haven reflects on some of the highlights of the last year in this little video.
2021 came in with bang and went out in much the same manner with storm Arwen and storm Barra which both wreaked havoc. Thankfully, the months
in-between were calm and bright and despite the continuing pandemic much was achieved. Once again, people worked together to make our beautiful stretch of the Angus coast attractive and welcoming for both residents and visitors.
We hope you enjoy watching the video and finding out more about East Haven 2021.

2021 Brought in with a Bang
The new year started with the discovery of more live ordnance on the beach in East Haven. The Royal Logisitic Corps x-rayed the cylindrical mortar spotted by resident Jack Reid on Tuesday 5th January and closed the beach before detonating it. Residents supported the emergency services by making our
All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) available and driving personnel to the site. The ATV was purchased out of LEADER funding for beach cleaning. However, when Emergency Services saw the vehicle in action in 2019 they asked if we would place it on the Community Asset Register. In addition, Named Drivers were asked to become emergency service volunteers and drive the vehicle as required for incidents which might occur along the coast. Prior to 2018 the last recorded incidence of ordnance in East Haven was in the early 1990s. However, at least five devices have been discovered in the last 18 months. EHT is now wondering why so much ordnance is washing up along the coast. Does the link below to an article which appeared in New Scientist hold any clues?

2020 The Year of the Pandemic

During the first phase of lockdown which began on 23 March, several residents used their daily exercise allowance in the community gardens (only one person each side) hoeing, weeding and mowing.
Even those out for a walk were stopping to pull out weeds and do their bit to help maintain the gardens during this period. Gardening is good for mental and physical well-being at the best of times but was especially important in 2020. It was good to feel that not only was one exercising but also doing something worthwhile and with a tangible outcome.
In many ways, community gardening was a much safer form of outdoor exercise than cycling or walking as it was easier to keep a social distance from others. The big miss was the camaraderie which usually takes place during group gardening sessions. However, as we say in East Haven, 'Every Action Counts' and maintaining the gardens brought everybody a bit of joy during lockdown.

Nature of Scotland Award - Dec 2019
Some of you will have seen these signs in East Haven and followed the Kidney Vetch trail. Kidney Vetch is the sole food plant of the UK’s smallest butterfly the Small Blue. The butterfly is a protected and endangered species so East Haven Together has worked in partnership with a wide range of groups and organisations to take action to ensure its survival. Work has also been carried out at Carnoustie, Barry Buddon, Glamis and Elliot where the Small Blue can be seen flying from late April to June. Work to protect and support the Small Blue has been led by Tayside Biodiversity Partnership. In early December, it was announced that the Small Blue project in Angus, ‘Back from the Brink’ has been awarded the ‘Nature of Scotland’ community initiative award. This prestigious award recognises what can be achieved when people work in partnership together to make a difference. It is hoped that all the individuals, schools and organisations involved in this special project will get together in the new year to celebrate this precious small butterfly.
East Haven Railway Heritage 2019
We are very grateful to LNER who have provided funding to install a Railway Heritage Board next to the old station platform on Craig road. In 2014 when East Haven was 800 years old we undertook some research to find out more about the building of the railway line in 1838. At the same time, people wrote to us with their memories about the little station in East Haven. Donna Lyall, pictured opposite remembers using the station both as a passenger and for the transportation of lobster and crab to restaurants in Edinburgh and London. The heritage board provides lots of interesting information about the importance of the railway and the station in East Haven prior to its closure in 1967.

Dogs of War - 2019

The new WW1 monument commemorating the role of the Airedale during WW1 has been unveiled in East Haven. Created by Sculptor, Bruce Walker the 30 ton pink granite rock took over a year to carve. The stone depicts the role Airedales played in WW1 when they worked on the battlefield taking messages to the troops and dragging injured soldiers to safety. Many people do not realise that the Airedale began its training here on the beaches of East Haven and Carnoustie so it is very fitting that they are commemorated in the place where their training began. The monument was transported to East Haven during a complex operation involving David Murray Transport, Ainsclough Cranes, the local Farmer and Network Rail.

Britain in Bloom Winners 2018
It is hard to put into words the feelings of all those involved in East Haven at their achievement in the RHS Britain in Bloom finals. Thrilled, amazed, stunned and proud are all words which have been used to describe the realisation that East Haven has won Gold and the best coastal village award. On Friday evening when five representatives travelled to a ceremony in Belfast, residents waited anxiously to hear the results as they were announced. In addition to Gold and Best Coastal Village, Wendy, one of the East Haven volunteers was also awarded an RHS community champion discretionary award. A party was held in the village on Saturday night to celebrate the enormous achievement and hard work which has led to this historic moment in the life of East Haven.
East Haven’s achievement should give all communities hope that it is possible to make a difference to the place you live if there is sufficient willingness and community spirit amongst neighbours and friends. East Haven was the smallest coastal village in the category which included populations of up to 12,000. They were therefore judged alongside Filey, Lytham St Annes, Fishguard & Goodwick, Hunstanton and St Clement on Jersey. With a population of only 79 adults and a handful of children, East Haven was competing against places with many more resources and volunteers. However, East Haven has a strong record of working with organisations and supporters across Angus and it really was an Angus wide effort which saw East Haven achieve such success
Of course this was not an overnight success. Many people have worked hard over a number of years to not only improve the environment but also to develop a sense of community. At the party last night, residents took time to remember people such as, Heather Gist, Hugh Scott, Steve and Eric Duncan, Moira Scott, and Dave Ramsay. Along with many others, these individuals all contributed to the life of the village and helped to make a difference. As we all agreed last night, every action, however small, counts and demonstrates that people make places.

Eric Duncan - Oct 2018
The Duncans were fishermen in East Haven and this photograph (circa 1932) shows Eric sitting with his grandfather, John Duncan, who lived in the original cottage at No.1 Shore Row. Over his lifetime, Eric lived in several properties in East Haven including No.10 Long Row. He was a time served joiner and also built No.7 Tankerville where he lived for a while before eventually moving back to No.1 Shore Row where he could be close to his boats. Eric held the Tay Fisheries Salmon Licence in the mid 1980s which meant he had the sole fishing rights between Carnoustie and Elliot. Despite being pre-deceased by his beloved wife Cathy and two sons Alan and Steve, Eric remained heavily involved in everything that was happening in the community. In the 1990s he built a bridge to enable people to cross the ‘Coos burn’ when walking north along the beach. Following its accidental removal in 2012 during the construction of the coastal path, a new bridge was built by residents to replace the much loved landmark. It was named after Eric who declared it officially open during a ceremony in October 2013. Eric was able to participate in many of the East Haven 800 celebrations and was a well-kent face in the Ha'en

RHS Britain in Bloom Judging Day - 3rd August 2018
We welcomed, RHS, Britain in Bloom judges Richard Budge, David Jamieson and Dale Hector to the village today. East Haven is the smallest coastal village in category with a current population of only 79 adults and 6 children. It has been a mountain to climb to this point from where the village started in 2013. Whatever the outcome, the climb has been both a pleasure and a privilege for all those involved.

Sustrans Art Roots project - June 2018

It was all go in East Haven on Friday morning with the long awaited arrival of a wooden sculpture depicting East Haven’s maritime heritage. Funded by Sustrans and carved by Iain Chalmers of Culbockie, the wood carving weighs more than one and a half tons. We were therefore very grateful for technical and mechanical support from James Porter of East Scryne farm. James lifted it off the transporter and gently manoeuvred it into position. It was a major operation but after weeks of preparation in readiness for it’s arrival it was a great relief to see the sculpture in it’s home at the head of the boat park.

Mini BioBlitz June 2018

We were blessed with the most spectacular weather for our community BioBlitz yesterday. Members of the public worked alongside wildlife experts to identify birds, butterflies bees and plant life. The photograph left shows Paul Brookes identifying moths which he had trapped during the night. All were released of course but it was wonderful to see these incredibly beautiful creatures at such close quarters. Paul has now identified more than 130 different moth species in East Haven. After a fabulous BBQ lunch two groups went out to the beach to undertake a CoCoast survey. This involves applying methodology developed by the Marine Sciences Institute in Oban. A 100 square grid is used to identify species along a 30m transect. All data gathered during the day will be uploaded to national data bases including irecord.

Pink Barred Sallow
Butterfly Monitoring and Recording - April 2018

Yesterday we held a Butterfly recording and monitoring training day in East Haven. Funded and arranged by Sustrans, the charity who manage the cycle path network, David Lampard from Butterfly Conservation delivered the training. This involved improving our identification skills and understanding about the types of butterfly we can expect to find in not just in Scotland but locally here on the coast. Laura White from Sustrans supported us on the day and helped residents map out a transect (walking route) which we will use to monitor and record butterflies on a regular basis throughout the year. As many of you know, National Cycle Route 1 runs right up the Angus coast and provides a wonderful opportunity to observe all kinds of wildlife and our improved Butterfly ID skills will enable us to upload recordings from our transect to the UK Butterfly Measurement Scheme web-site. Why not join us on one of our monthly Sustrans Bumble Butterfly walks? See our diary of events for details

Encouraging The Next Generation - March 2018

This week we welcomed 60 children from Our Lady's Primary school in Perth to undertake a big Beach Clean and MCS survey. The children have been learning about the impact of marine plastic on wildlife and the marine environment. The timing of their visit could not have been better as the 'Beast from the East' brought in an unprecednted amount of marine litter. On Saturday we lifted all the heavy items and on Tuesday the children collected hundreds of small items including, plastic, cloth, bottles, cotton bud sticks, net and rope. Every item was carefully recorded and weighed. At the end of the day the children had collected 24 kilos of litter. It was a wonderful day and all involved had a brilliant time. Well done to all the children from Our Lady's.
Litter Summit - November 2017
Residents in East Haven and neighbouring communities have been have been working flat out as we prepared for the first community led Litter Summit in Scotland which we hosted in Arbroath yesterday. The event brought together stakeholders from across the Angus community including representatives from businesses, schools, organisations, Local and Central government. It was a great day and we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and contributions everybody made to the event. A number of really positive outcomes have been achieved which are included in our outcomes report which can be downloaded here.
Litter Summit Report

Coffee Tastes Better at the Bothy - Sept 2017
What a perfect day for our 'Coffee Tastes Better at the Bothy' event yesterday. It was held in memory of neighbour and friend Moira Scott who lived in Long Row for around 60 years prior to her death in July. Moira loved coffee at the Bothy so she would have been delighted to know that the event was held in her name and raised £615 for MacMillan Cancer Support. The sun came out at 9am and stayed out until around 8pm so we were truely blessed with the most beautiful of days. It was a fitting tribute to Moira and an opportunity to do what we do best in East Haven, good coffee, great cake and plenty of blethers.

Capturing Our Coast 2017
We were really pleased to welcome
Dr Hannah Grist from the Marine Sciences Institute in Oban to deliver Capturing our Coast training in East Haven yesterday. Fifteen citizen scientists enjoyed a great day learning how to lay out a transect and use a quadrat to record marine species. It's not quite as easy as it sounds as it the project employs a very specific methodology. However, we fully utilised Hannah's skills and knowledge throughout the day and learned so much about different seaweed and animal species. It was really fun day and of course we all enjoyed a lovely lunch together. Our next plan is to organise a few days throughout the year when we can go out in small groups to carry out the surveys and upload data to this important UK wide project.
Forging Friendships from East to West - May 2017
We have just enjoyed an amazing couple of days forging links and friendships with visitors from the Cowal Peninsula on a Community Learning Exchange. Interested in learning more about how communities on the Angus Coast have achieved gold awards in the Beautiful Scotland competition residents from Blairmore, Innellan and Kilmun arrived for a two day visit on Tuesday. Yesterday was spent in East Haven meeting members of the community and learning more about how we used the Beautiful Scotland Three Pillar concept to focus our activities and improvements. In the evening a welcome dinner was held when we also enjoyed a presentation about Blairmore and the achievements made by Blairmore Village Trust. The sun was shining this morning as we looked at work undertaken by Colourful Carnoustie and Food is Free. We were delighted that Juliette Camburn from Keep Scotland Beautiful was also able to join us for the two day event. Juliette delivered a presentation which provided more information about the competition and the history of the Beautiful Scotland campaign. It was an action packed couple of days with lots of learning and sharing of information. Friendships have been formed and a strong bond between our East and West coast villages which we hope to continue to strengthen in the future.

Seaweed Survey - Oct 2016
Since our BioBlitz in August we have developed an interest in marine life and in the various types of seaweed living out on the rocks. We haven't previously given this precious marine plant much thought, but seaweed is one of the most nutritious and natural products available to us. It is rich in concentrated minerals and is known to possess a range of health benefits. We therefore decided that we would learn how to cut small amounts of fresh seaweed for our own personal use. Having obtained some professional help we set off for the rocks at 7.30am, before first light, to catch the low tide. It was a great experience and we learned so much about this amazing resource on our own doorstep. Having washed and dried a small amount earlier, we were able to fry it until it became crispy and then pop it on top of the bacon in our rolls. It was absolutely delicious and made a great healthy alternative to sauces and salt.

East Haven BioBlitz August 2016

This exciting event brought together, scientists, experts and other interested bodies to work alongside the community and other members of the public to identify as many species of animals, insects, plants and marine life as possible over 2 days. Records relating to hundreds of species were uploaded to irecord. The BioBlitz was a partnership event between, East Haven Together, Tayside Biodiversity Partnership and Scottish Natural Heritage. The new Tayside Biodiversity Action Plan, 2016 -2026 was launched at the event which saw children from Woodlands Primary School perform songs, poetry and art work. The children were the stars of the show and had even written their own Eco Rap! The event was supported by a generous grant from the Angus Environmental Trust through the Scottish Landfill Communities fund.

Food Festival - July 2016

Look what was on offer at the Food Festival on Sunday. Local produce supporting local food growers and producers.
Gin & tonic ice lollies, Wood fired pizzas, Oysters, Chocolate Brownies, Freshly roasted coffee, Gin bar, Craft Beers, Dressed Crabs, Haggis wraps, Smoked Aberdeen Angus Brisket, Fish & Chips, Mocktails with local fruit juices, Fresh strawberries, Fresh fruit ice-lollies, Chocolate dripping cakes, Prawn cocktails and Angus vodka cocktails.
Beach Yoga, Live Music all day, Fishwife Storyteller, Beach VolleyballRounders, Paws Patrol and our very own Oor Wullie!!

Clean for the Queen Weekend - March 2016
Some of us were out beach cleaning yesterday on what was officially 'Clean for the Queen' weekend. As the Queen and Princess Maragaret were brought down from Glamis to play on the beach in East Haven as children it seemed appropriate that we should acknowledge the initiative in this the Queen's 90th year. However, we stopped short of using the strap line 'Clean for the Queen' in our promotional material and diary of events. This was due to mixed feelings about the appropriateness of cleaning for the Monarchy when in reality, we are cleaning out of respect for the marine and coastal environment. Also for those who live and visit the coast. That said, it is really encouraging to hear that the Queen herself is a very keen litter picker and often picks up litter when out and about. We can only hope that Scotland can get its act together before her next visit as our main access routes seem to be full of litter which reflects so badly on Scotland and its people. We all need to do more to pick up litter whenever and wherever we see it and not for anybody else other than ourselves, wildlife and the environment.

Let's Cook -23 March 2016
We held the first of our 'East Haven Let's Cook' events yesterday the 23rd March in celebration of our wonderful local food. It is so easy to do a one stop shop at the supermarket that we don't always appreciate everything that is grown and produced in Angus and sold by independent retailers. We want people to start thinking more about shopping locally and using local ingredients in their cooking. Last year, when we grew some of our own herbs and vegetables in the community garden people said that they were not always sure what to do with them. Our chefs demonstrated some wonderful tasty dishes which we can all now have a go at in our own kitchens. With another event planned for Saturday it looks set to be a great way to end the Angus Food Festival week.

Download East Haven
Let's Cook Leaflet
Great Loss to the Village - Nov 2015
East Haven has lost a great friend and neighbour in Hugh Scott who sadly died last weekend. Hugh and Helen have lived in East Haven for around 13 years and were both involved in the East Haven 800 celebrations. It was Hugh who first spotted our boat 'The Sisters', wrecked on the beach in St Andrews. Hugh and a group of other residents dug the boat out early one morning in June 2013 and brought her back to East Haven for restoration. Hugh was a talented and multi-skilled individual who 'kept us right' on many of our projects. Earlier in the year, his sheer determination and a refusal to be dominated by his illness drove Hugh to work in all weathers making repairs to the boats ready for our 'summer season'. We were delighted that he was able to attend the Beautiful Scotland Awards Ceremony on 10th September and receive a gold award on behalf of East Haven. Hugh will be fondly remembered and leaves a great legacy to the village.

October 2015
Look who we found in the gardens today! So pleased that Karen Laing stopped by for a visit on her way back to Edinburgh. Karen designed our Beautiful Beechgrove Community Gardens last year and has been keeping a watchful eye on the progress we have been making this year. Karen is really delighted to see how quickly the gardens have matured and how stunning many of the plants/shrubs and grasses are already. We have a garden party planned for Friday which is great timing as Karen has given us a few pointers for autumn pruning and a few plans for the spring. Lovely to see you

The Loovre! Sept 2015
News of our 'wee gallery' has reached the national papers this week. As a result, we were invited to do a live radio interview on BBC Scotland's Kaye Adam show this morning to talk about the Community Partnership and how we came to create the gallery. STV have also been down to the Ha'en filming inside the loos! The British Toilet Association (Yes there is such a body) is trying to encourage as many communities as possible to take on responsibility for managing their public toilets. It is a facility/service that we all need regardless of age or ability. We believe that our public toilets are the window to our community and reflect one that cares about the place we live and the people who visit. We do hope that our experience will encourage others to take on this really important role and save their public toilets from closure. Lets keep them open and make Scotland the best place to visit in the UK!
A New Charity for East Haven 31 July 2015
We are really proud to launch our new charity 'East Haven Together'. Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) No SC045824. 'East Haven Together' replaces East Haven Residents' Association and is a more inclusive and purposeful organisation. We have integrated our charitable aims into our sustainability strategy. More about East Haven Together can be found on a seperate page on this web-site. It doesn't matter where you live you can now be part of 'East Haven Together' if you support our charitable aims

A New Walking Leaflet - July 2015
We have written a leaflet to meet a gap in local information on Walking and Cycling in East Haven and Panbride. This little part of Angus has an amazing heritage and a stunning coast line but little is available for visitors in the area. We have therefore written one ourselves to provide a guide to a local walk from East Haven up through Craigmill Den and onto historical Panbride. We hope that locals and visitors alike will enjoy learning more about our important heritage and wild life. You can pick up a copy in Carnoustie Library or at the 'Wee Gallery at the Heritage Point in East Haven'.
Taste of Angus Cycle and Big Picnic - June 2015
After days of miserable weather the sun shone brightly on East Haven for our Taste of Angus Cycle and Big Picnic. It was an early start for our 37 volunteers who arrived on site to set everything up for 10am. The Food Team responsible for the preparation of all our picnic boxes was led by Jean Stewart formerly of Long Row. Jean organised the whole process with military precision and every little detail had been considered. As a result, the picnic boxes went down a storm and so many of you have contacted us to say how much you enjoyed them. We were so pleased that whole families got on their bikes or walked down to the Ha'en. Many of them for the first time without the car. Other more experienced cyclists came from Dundee, Edinburgh and as far away as York! It was a wonderful occasion and lovely to see people so relaxed and spending quality time together. What a great way to celebrate 20 years of National Cycle Route 1 and Scotlands Year of Food and Drink!​​

To Friendship - August 2014
Strengthening friendships across the village and the wider community has been a wonderful legacy to our East Haven 800 celebrations.
This photograph is of Dorrie Millin (Wake) and Gail Mackie who met up at our homecoming event. Great friends when they were growing up in East Haven.

Six year old Oliver from the south of England who made his first trip north to attend the East Haven Homecoming and Heritage Festival. We hope to see you again soon Oliver!

Heritage and Homecoming Festival - August 2014
After months of preparation the big day arrived and so did all of you. You came from all over the UK, Spain, France, Poland, Canada and Australia to support us yesterday and what a day it was. You left lovely comments in our visitors book telling us what a wonderful time you had and this was great feedback for residents who have worked tirelessly over many months. We are pleased to post this short film which features the beautiful commemorative music composed by Gregor Beattie and showcased at the event - The Haven. Film by Gregor Scott.

East Haven Maritime and Heritage Exhibition - 5th April 2014

Sandie Wright has spent months carrying out research and gathering items of historical interest for the East Haven Maritime and Heritage exhibition. Members of the wider community have also come forward to offer items with a connection to East Haven for display. For example, we have an old coin which was found on Scryne farm land which dates back to 1166.
This pair of silver feet were also found in the same area in 2013. They have been assessed by Scotland's Treasure Trove and identified as being part of a medieval crucifix and probably a part of some Church silver. They are to be placed in the Arbroath Museum.
East Haven's Heritage 2014
Brian Petrie, Carnoustie based artist and cartoonist has created this wonderful story board interpreting the story of James, the IV and last Earl of Panmure who took part in the Jacobite rebellion of 1715 and was injured at Sherrifmuir. He was brought back to Angus and helped to flee into exile by an East Haven fisherman. We are extremely grateful to Brian for donating his time and talents to help East Haven to create Interpretation Boards to inform people about our important heritage in this our 800th year

East Haven 800 Heritage Bunting 2014
East Haven has embarked on a very special project to involve people far and wide in our 800th celebrations. We are asking people with a connection to east haven to help create Heritage Bunting panels. Some time ago we wrote to Coupar Angus Community Council to highlight our special link with the town. The port of East Haven along with a toft to build on and a toll on the fishings was gifted to the monks of Coupar Angus Abbey in 1214. When Margaret Cameron, Head Teacher at the primary school learned about our history she involved the children in making a panel of Heritage Bunting. We were invited along to their assembly to meet the children and chat to them about our 800th celebrations. The heritage panel is beautiful and we will provide more by way of explanation at our Heritage exhibition on 5th April. We had a lovely time on our visit and were so impressed by the warm and friendly reception we received. The children and staff are an inspiration.

Dundee Courier report - Eric's Bridge 7th October 2013

A much-loved footbridge which was rebuilt by an Angus community was officially opened on Sunday. Former joiner and fisherman Eric Duncan built “Eric’s Bridge” in East Haven more than a decade ago to give residents a means of crossing the local burn. However, contractors removed the much-loved structure last year while building the new coastal path, leaving some locals feeling a piece of community history had been lost.
Members of the East Haven 800 group vowed to rebuild the popular structure ahead of the village’s 800th anniversary celebrations. Resident Jack Scott led the project, which took approximately eight weeks, with farmer James Porter providing a vehicle to move the largest timbers into position.
People of all ages and abilities have been involved and despite being in his eighties and one of East Haven’s oldest residents, Eric was also able to participate. Eric cut the ribbon and then took a walk across the new bridge, flanked by members of the local community. Spokeswoman Wendy Murray said children and adults regarded Eric’s Bridge with great affection. She said: “Some of us were not able to help with the physical work of the bridge but we supplied the workforce with coffee, cake and ice lollies to help keep the energy levels up. “Sometimes, I felt as if I should be handing round the paracetamol too for the aches and pains, as it was tough going at times. “The completed bridge is an inspiration and an example to all communities that they can achieve great things if they work together.” Angus Council arranged for the contractors to supply a number of replacement timbers, BT stepped in to help with the provision of telegraph poles and MacKay’s boat builders provided rope. Mr Scott said he always referred to the work sessions as “bridge parties”, with lots of good humour and plenty of banter. Jack kept everybody focused and he and Stan Beattie were meticulous in the way they carried out the project plan. Stan said: “I have lived in East Haven for a long time but have got to know some of my neighbours a lot better by being involved in the bridge project, particularly in the East Haven 800 planning in general.” Chairman of East Haven Residents’ Association Gordon Lumsdaine said the rebuilding of Eric’s Bridge is an example of what can be achieved when those who live in a community work together. He said: “The residents had a vision of what they wanted to achieve and by combining skills and knowledge we were able to rebuild this wonderful bridge.
“We would like to think that it will be robust enough to last until East Haven 900 but even if it lasts for another few decades, we will be very happy.” Local woman Ethel Aberdein said the original bridge had been much missed since it was accidentally removed last year. She said: “Children in particular used to love walking over the small rustic bridge to throw sticks into the water and watch them reappearing over the other side.
“My grandson will be delighted when he can start using the bridge again.” Dareena Scott said: “I was able to supply the moral support and a little bit of labouring and feel pride that a small village community has achieved this.
Watch this short film by Gregor Scott: