East Haven Beach

East Haven is a former fishing community on the Angus coast. It is situated 1.5 miles (2 km) east of Carnoustie and 5 miles (8 km) south west of Arbroath. The rocky coastline and beach at East Haven is popular with families, dog walkers and people undertaking a range of leisure pursuits. National Cycle Network 1 runs through the village and up the coast towards Arbroath creating one of the most beautiful stretches of the coastal path. Residents and members of the charity East Haven Together undertake a range of interventions to protect the natural coastal environment and provide a pleasant amenity for people to enjoy during their visit. Please walk, cycle or use public transport if you can as there is very limited car parking in the village.

Beach Award
East Haven Together has achieved a community led beach award from Keep Scotland Beautiful every year since 2016.
Awards are made when beaches meet several criteria across three areas; 1) Access, Facilities and Safety.
2) Local Environmental Quality. 3) Community and Heritage.
Although there are no formal facilities in East Haven the residents work hard to;
Keep the beach amenity clean and welcoming
Clean and manage the public toilets between March and October
Create beautiful community gardens
Provide information about the heritage of the village

Live Stranded Animals
If you find a live stranded marine animal call British Divers Marine Life Rescue immediately on 01825 765546 (office hours) and 07787 433412 (out of hours)
The following information will help:
What is it? What type/species of animal? If you aren't sure, take pictures on your phone or camera.
Where is it? As precise a location as you can give, how far to the nearest road access and is it above the high tide mark?
Keep dogs and crowds away
Seals are the strongest of all sea mammals and ferocious biters so keep your distance and never get in-between a seal and it's pup.
It’s normal for pups to be ashore especially during Nov and Jan when very young pups are left by mothers. They shelter on the beach to rest from rougher seas which may have exhausted them. They can drown if ushered out to sea. If a seal is sick it will be listless and maybe have a sunken belly. If in any doubt contact BDMLR.

Dead Stranded Animals
If you find a dead stranded marine animal, please either:
Call 01463 243030
Tweet @strandings together with animal and location
The following information will help:
What is it? What type/species of animal? If you aren't sure, take pictures on your phone or camera.
Where is it? As precise a location as you can give, how far to the nearest road access and is it above the high tide mark?
What size is it? Approximate length, can it be moved or secured against removal by the tide?
How fresh is it? Is it in a good state or a smelly heap of bones? Are parts missing?
Warning: Marine animals are wild animals. They may carry diseases which are transferable.
Be Wildlife Aware